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[Spell] Fog of War

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Joined: Feb 22, 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 11:27 pm    Post subject: [Spell] Fog of War Reply with quote

Another spell from me to try to create battlefield control spells, giving casters (All casters equally) the ability to do more than just damage their enemies in combat.

Fog of War
10CPs to learn. 7MPs to cast. (These may need tweaking)
Based off of the spell combat tree. (10% base to-hit, up to a 60% with full tree.)

A cloud of thick black fog that limits the view of enemies to that which is in it's immediate sight range and nothing more.

Lack of peripheral vision causes all hostile (Non-faction characters) to receive -5% to hit and a -5% to dodge for 10 ticks. Multiple castings reset the duration and do not stack the penalties.

I am basing the CP cost and MP cost off of a similar Eternal Soldier skill.

1/3 the duration (Less actually, because each character that attacks the effected character reduce it vs only reducing their own status) justifies the third of the CP cost as the ES skill. This is in addition to the increase in MP cost. Also, half of the effect only applies if the hostile character is online.

Questions, comments? Please post, ^_^

*Edited because I'm stupid*
Resident furry

Last edited by Foreverseth on Wed Aug 25, 2010 3:52 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 1:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Feels underpriced / overpowered. It is AOE and excludes faction mates? Too good IMO.

Consider that single-target Enervate costs 20+40 CP (T2), single-target Wytchfire costs 30 CP (T3) and Way of Void Costs 30 CP (T3).

Skull Face
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 12:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

SkullFace wrote:
Feels underpriced / overpowered. It is AOE and excludes faction mates? Too good IMO.

Consider that single-target Enervate costs 20+40 CP (T2), single-target Wytchfire costs 30 CP (T3) and Way of Void Costs 30 CP (T3).

I believe I addressed this in my original post.
Way of the void costs 30CPs, but costs less MP, lasts longer and is a buff, which means every character affected gets their own time limit on it.

If way of the void affects 5 people in a raid, the maximum benifit is 150 ticks average for each raider (30 for each person).
If Fog of war effects 15 people in a raid agasint those same 5, the maximum benefit for the attackers is 150/5=30 ticks average for each raider. (If each attacker hits the person one after another, they will each degrade the effect one tick, therefore they each only get two attacks off at the -5% dodge on the attacker.)

This isn't a perfect idea, but the idea is that a buff is generally better than a debuff when it comes to situations of group on group combat.

Please don't pretend that weapon masters (The parent skill of enervate) is useless as it's one of the better skills pariah's gets, (And it is the second most common pariah skill, so people agree with me. This is based of data that was updated only a month ago).
So, to say it costs 60CPs when 20 of those CPs are going towards a very useful skill is unfair. At 40CPs, you have to consider that the target gets a -3 to soaks AND a -3 to damage in addition to a -10% to their hit and dodge. A MUCH better effect for less MP then my spell. The shorter tick length can be attributed to the less MP cost, as well as the fact that the attack will still DO DAMAGE as a regular attack.

Wytchfire is, again, a charged attack. Which means damage is done as well as the effect. The effect itself lasts longer, costs less MP, and does damage over time. (A total of 30 damage, unless they are immune to one of the damage types)

You also failed to mention that all two of those skills are in combat classes that have no access to spells. There is no, 'Why would I bother with this skill when I have this spell!'
Even if there was, I personally would've taken the skill vs the spell in each of these choices. The skill was always better, even for the increased CP cost.

Questions, comments? Please post again, ^_^
Resident furry
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'll try to address a few of the points that seem not to have been considered:

(1) In a raid situation this spell will be cast from a spellgem for 1 MP.

(2) In a raid the 10 status ticks debuff applied to each defending target is a life (death) sentence. Each hostile in the area will, unless active, be debuffed until they are killed by attackers. Rarely does it take a prepared attacker (e.g. me) as much as 10 status ticks to kill my chosen target. And I'd suggest that defending against a raid it would be a very useful spell too.

(3) This proposed spell is an automatic AOE debuff vs all non-faction targets. For an investment of 10 CP. Think about it. For 10 CP it is arguably as good as 20 CP on Weapon Mastery or 30 CP on Infernal Combat; cheaper, hits everybody in the area, meshes nicely with your other abilities.

(4) The comparisons with three similar abilities were made to point out the amount of CP invested to get a buff/debuff. It's generally a significant decision to go for such an ability.

Singling out Weapon Mastery for discussion (see the reply in the previous post) rather obfuscates matters. The comparison with Way of Void misses the fact that that particular buff does not affect the ES in question nor any pets. The comparison to Wytchfire is similarly misleading as the damage from Wytchfire is, IIRC, dependent upon the victim being active, something that, it is argued, potentially mitigates the -5% attack debuff in this spell? And both Enervate and Wytchfire, being charged attacks (and not automatic) cannot hope to scale up to a roomful of people as this spell can.

We could also get into the discussion of its use by classes such as the Divine Herald who could stack it with, say, Sharp Vision and improved combat abilities such as Weapon Mastery, Elite Attack and Martial Spellcraft on a one-to-one basis rather than vs a roomful-of-people basis.

Again, I consider this idea overpowered. Feel free to disagree.

Skull Face
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 3:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hrrrk, >.<

*Smacks himself for being an idiot*
It's not an auto hit, =P
Yes, I know I completely forgot to put it in there, -.- I forgot to put it in my other suggestion too, =P I thought it was implied that there was a chance it would miss.
The spell would be based off of the spell combat tree (Ranged spell). If you feel it's truly overpowered, then it could be tuned down a bit by putting a max affected cap in there. (Say, 5 characters).

Since it's not too terribly difficult to get your to-hit to 100% anyway, and since it doesn't stack, I don't see the 1MP cost from a spellgem really being a problem. You still have to charge THAT, adding to the time it takes for a caster to prepare himself for a raid.

I don't want to change the 'only affects non-faction members'. I feel it wouldn't hinder an attacking party at all (Send the caster in first.), while making any online defender very hesitant against casting it defensively (They're screwing all their factionmates too).

But, for the record, yes, you're right; an automatic AOE debuff is horribly overpowered, XP I'll change the original post to add that in.
Resident furry
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 10:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 7:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pretty much implemented in B5.
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