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Team Laser Explosion has a...

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Joined: Jan 20, 2010
Posts: 7
Location: Your sock drawer...

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 1:49 pm    Post subject: Team Laser Explosion has a... Reply with quote

...shadowy nemesis!

The Professor's day started much like any other. He awoke, went for a shower and as is his way these days didn't bother to dress (clothes hide a multitude of sins), before getting a delicious bowl of Cornflakes. He then started reading his copy of Reformed Villains Weekly.

Then this happened.

- Drell of Foundation has changed their factional stance toward you. They are now hostile towards you. (2016-09-12 19:18:22).

If truth be told this concerned me. The Fortress of Exploditude (I just named it) had been getting bothered by cold callers all week and the boss always sends me to answer the door, I really couldn't afford anymore donations to charity; but trying to reform my ways I always felt mean saying no. As such I now pay direct debits to the Red Cross, St. John Ambulance and an animal shelter (noted in case he falls off the wagon) run by a couple of really nice angels that paid us a visit last week.

- Your stronghold is under attack! (2016-09-12 19:18:37).

- Average Joe destroyed a ward protecting this location! (2016-09-12 19:18:50).

- Your stronghold ward has been destroyed! (2016-09-12 19:18:50).

Jeez, I was on my way; you guys really need to be more patient.

- Drell said, "It''s been a long time. Do you guys remember me? I''ve not forgotten you." (2016-09-12 19:19:19).

Yes, yes I do remember're the guy who played Superman in Superman Returns, right?

What have you been up to dude?

- Average Joe said, "Saw a sign offering free cupcakes, thought I''d just take all of them." (2016-09-12 19:19:25).

Your welcome, I slaved away over a hot oven making those and the boss didn't give them so much as a second glance. Okay so I forgot to put the chocolate chips in, but I made up for it with the icing I think you'll agree. Let me know what you thought of them.

- Average Joe said, "Oh yeah, and Drell''s here for revengey stuff or something. :3" (2016-09-12 19:19:39).

Right...what did we do?

Now personally I'm new to all this lasery explosion stuff, I really don't get all this running around blowing things up and shouting pew, pew if I'm being honest. I'm guessing the chief blew up his villainous lair or fired some mighty heroic blue or green coloured lasers at him at some point, but much as she tries she's drawing a blank.

- Drell of Foundation (Stronghold: 12, 18, Laurentia) has taken your faction standard! Your faction loses 4 points of renown! (2016-09-12 19:21:15).

I don't blame you. That thing is damn fine, with all of those pictures of people jumping out of exploding buildings and all the lasers flying around all over the show...frankly I'm surprised no-one's paid us a visit sooner.

So here we are, we're dead and floating around in void and this Drell chappy feels like he's got some measure of vengeance; frankly I'm happy for him. But this isn't the most important thing here, oh no, the most important thing here is that we have a shadowy nemesis; frankly this is tremendous news, any good eighties action hero should have a good shadowy nemesis. Oh and cowboy boots. A mullet too...we don't have a maverick loose cannon yet though, a man/woman on the edge. Though the boss does refer to me as her comedy sidekick, well it could be worse.

I digress though, a shadowy nemesis, yes! You know what this means don't you? That's right, a freeze frame jump with an added high five.

Kurt Rokkewiller | Appoloin | Proffessor Chaos
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