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Nexus Clash :: View topic - [UI] Auto-trash, drop verification, and locking items
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[UI] Auto-trash, drop verification, and locking items

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Joined: Mar 13, 2017
Posts: 50

PostPosted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 6:14 am    Post subject: [UI] Auto-trash, drop verification, and locking items Reply with quote

Hi, since I'm going to be posting one or two other threads, I felt I'd try to combine my suggestions into one place so as to save threadspace and not feel like an evil thread necromancer.
My personal alignment attempts to be good, see. Maybe.


How many times have you picked up:

A rock you aren't going to use since your throwing skills leave a lot to be desired?
A newspaper you aren't going to read because you aren't tem h0i?
An item you thought you'd only got one copy of, until the nine copies overburden you?

From a standpoint of fun, dropping items takes time and doesn't really add much to the game.
Clutter can make the inventory harder to navigate, especially for those with small resolutions.

From a standpoint of UI, auto-trash could streamline the game.
An example of how the feature could appear:


Total Weight: 12 (max 50)
| Autotrash | Verify | Locked
Item | # | Wt |
Handful of Grave Dirt | 1 | 1 | Drop | Settings | [] | []
Newspaper {Read} | 20 | 0 | Drop | Settings | [] | []
Piece of Chalk | 4 | 0 | Drop | Settings | [] | []
Piece of Wood | 2 | 6 | Drop | Settings | [] | []
Saber (pristine) | 1 | 5 | Drop | Settings | [] | []

You'll notice the rest of my ideas also there, as check-boxes.
We'll get to them later.

Clicking settings could allow a small tab for that item (possibly with an item description?
I remember items used to have a description/lore. I miss that, ahaha...), with the following settings.

(A/n) Handful of Grave Dirt
Damp earth, taken from a shallow grave. The scent of loam and must cling to it.
Trash on pickup? []
Quantity to save before trashing? [integer]

With these, you could choose to drop grave dirt whenever (trash on pickup) which would grey out the 'quantity to save' option.
Or, you could decide to pick up no more than three handfuls before junking any further finds.

(Which would grey out the trash on pickup checkbox.
Obviously, clearing either selection would allow their opposite to be re-checked/supplied with a number.)

All settings should save to character, meaning that even if you drop a rock, and find another rock, if you've set your setting to auto-trash it, it'll stay.
Accidentally changed/decided you needed that rock after all, but set auto-trash to on?
Simple - any found items are added to the 'auto-trash global settings' viewable in the menu.

Thus, if you want to change all your item settings on a whim, all you've got to do is hop to your inventory screen, and click auto-trash settings, under 'Total Weight'!

Drop Verification:

A much simpler suggestion, that I'm surprised to see not turning up in my searches; though I'm sure it must have been proposed before..?
A checkbox, that, when checked, allows an item to ask you to confirm your drop.

Mechanically, this could use the same confirmation could as the prompt before learning a skill.
Like auto-trash, it should save to the character, but I don't think there needs to be a 'drop verification settings' menu.
Players will probably only enable this for semi-precious items, and if they suddenly find themselves with a stack of twenty...

They can just disable it via a quick click.

Locking Items:

Another quick suggestion.
A checkbox to the right of drop verification, for items that you're fond of.
It could be that useless microfiche, it might be a favoured weapon -
But if you absolutely don't want to drop it by accident, the lock button does just that; disables/greys out/removes the drop function, and removes the item as an input from 'give/set up/other disposal' prompts.

Locked items can still be used for fighting, drinking, etc; and perhaps there could be a 'locked item settings' tab to make it more flexible.
(Locked items take precedence when used to fight/craft/heal?)

But this could allow for a cleaner, less cluttered prompt wheel, as well as save a few people a few real-life fumbles.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 2:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is a good idea for future customization.
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Joined: Jan 19, 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2021 8:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

By "future customization" we mean "whenever the next patch gets deployed".
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