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Planar Guild Recruitment

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Joined: Feb 13, 2016
Posts: 18

PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 5:14 pm    Post subject: Planar Guild Recruitment Reply with quote


There's an old story a stranger once told me, would you like to hear it?

A traveler had spent his life fleeing from his death. He’d spent the good portion of his days searching for the secret to immortality. An old man had told him to travel to the heart of some barren plain and he would find the answers he was searching for. For many days and nights he rode, at the dusk of the ninth day he reached his destination.But all he found was a fire within a circle of stones and a woman with brown eyes. She spoke to him

Why do you flee my embrace traveler? Why do you fear the peace of eternity?

She gestured at the fire.

The Nexus is like this blaze, it stands alone against the shadows of the prairie. So much light and sound and fury. Violence and screaming, joy and sorrow. It fights the darkness all right , but it will go out in the end. Those that lit it will put it out and go rest. Why wax poetry about how one ember burns brighter than the others? One spark flew higher? When the fire goes out the ashes are all the same.

I love you can’t you see? The fire will burn you if you reach to grab it, but I will take your hand gladly. Don’t fear the cool and the darkness, make it yours. Embrace it. Follow me and walk in the darkness as you walk in the light.

The traveler was filled with peace at that moment. The fire had burned to ashes. He took her hand and walked into the shadow.

Do what he did stranger. Take my hand and embrace Hashaa. We will bring peace to the Nexus. The peace of ashes and silence.
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