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Brainstorming for new spells and enchantments

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 3:12 pm    Post subject: Brainstorming for new spells and enchantments Reply with quote

Hello everyone.

Back again with another suggestion. Like before, this is meant to be more about brainstorming and getting new ideas.

This suggestion is actually a list of suggestions. A bunch of utlity spells and some new utlity enchantments.

Thanks for reading.

New spells:
Summon Workbench
Costs: 5CP to learn, 5MP to cast.
Summons a workbench. Allows the use of smithing, gunsmithing, alchemy, etc. in any location.
Lasts 1 hour.

Animate Tools
Costs: 5CP to learn, 5MP to cast.
The next craft/repair cost is reduced by 3AP (minimum 1 AP).
Only applies to one craft/repair action.
The numbers are subject to balancing.

Animate Workshop
Costs: 5CP to learn, 15MP to cast.
Crafting/Repair costs are reduced by 3AP (minimum 1 AP).
Lasts 1 hour.
The numbers are subject to balancing.
Animate Tools is a pre-requisite for taking this spell.

Karmic Momentum:
Costs: 5CP to learn, 5MP to cast.
Increases the MO shift of any actions taken by x2.
Lasts 1 hour.

Karmic Stability:
Costs: 5CP to learn, 5MP to cast.
Decreases the MO shift of any actions taken by 50%.
Lasts 1 hour.

Open Pocket Space
Costs: 5CP to learn, 5MP to cast.
Gives +20 equipment load.
Lasts 1 hour.

Open Tesseract Backpack
Costs: 5CP to learn, 10MP to cast.
Gives +20 equipment load.
Lasts 24 hours, can be stacked.
Open pocket space is a pre-requisite for taking this spell.

Triage Sense
Costs: 5CP to learn, 5MP to cast.
Like First Aid, when the character uses a healing item, increases hp healed by +10.
Lasts for 1 healing action.

Vital Sense
Costs: 5CP to learn, 10MP to cast.
Like First Aid, when the character uses a healing item, increases hp healed by +5.
Lasts for 1 hour.
In addition, 25% chance the character does not use up healing items like first aid kits.
Triage Sense is a pre-requisite for taking this spell.

Open lock
Costs: 5CP to learn, 5MP to cast.
Opens a lock.

Concentrate Elixir
Costs: 5CP to learn, 5MP to cast.
If the character drinks a potion, it will last 50% longer.
Only lasts for 1 potion.

Trap the Essence
Costs: 5CP to learn, 15MP to cast.
If the character drinks a potion, it will last 50% longer.
Lasts for 1 hour.
Concentrate Elixir is a pre-requisite for taking this spell.

New enchantments:
Bottomless Magazine
Can be enchanted up to 3 times.
A weapon has a 25% chance to not use ammo (max 75%).
Each attack uses up the enchantment's duration.

Can be enchanted up to 3 times.
Each enchant level increases the item weight by 1 (max +3)
For weapons, damage increases by 1 and accuracy reduces by 5% (max +3 and -15%).
Each attack uses up the enchantment's duration.
This makes sense if it applies to melee and thrown weapons. Not sure if it should apply to guns.

Can be enchanted up to 3 times.
Each enchant level increases hide chance by 10% (max 30%).
Each hide attempt uses up the enchantment's duration.

Can be enchanted up to 3 times.
Like First Aid, when the character uses a healing item, increases hp healed by +2 (max +6).
Each use of a healing item uses up the enchantment's duration.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 10:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I like.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 8:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Summon Workbench would obliterate the need for the ones the faction can provide.

I like the rest of them. Even if they're not commonly used, I like the idea of just having more spells in the game as flavor.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 08, 2019 3:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

oath2order wrote:
Summon Workbench would obliterate the need for the ones the faction can provide.

I like the rest of them. Even if they're not commonly used, I like the idea of just having more spells in the game as flavor.


But it would be amazing useful for non-raiding micro-factions.
Carilgar (7989) | Seldara (7990) | Nightfire (7991) | Stormshadow (8049) | A Pair of Doorknocking Mormons (8050) | Chianni (8051) | Koldar (11873) | Themys (12088) | Selaedria (12395)
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 08, 2019 2:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Spells that require other spells to learn is an interesting idea, although it might make them too similar to actual skills.

Looking at the spells:

Open Pocket Space/Backpack: 24 hours of +20 equipment load for 10 cp/10 MP is probably a bit on the strong side. Open Pocket Space (albeit with slightly different numbers) is going to be a thing though so Very Happy

MO skills: Interesting ideas although personally I'm not fond of more pseudo-HTT skills (hit gooder-than-you characters - an intentional weakness in htt - for half the MO cost and then regain your MO quicker with Momentum). The use case for Nexus Champions makes me think better of them though.

I don't know how I feel about Triage/Vital Sense, although I'd generally buy them if levelling via healing for the +5 HP and 25% chance of not using up healing items.

I guess my personal issue with them (and the repair tree for that matter) is I dislike toggle buffs that you trigger every time no matter what? It just always feels a bit fiddly to me and I don't think this would be an exception. I'm aware that other people may feel differently though so eh.

Another issue I have with the workbench/repair spells is that they effectively replace the conduit crafting skills and make their niche available to over half the classes in the game.

As for enchanting:

Enchanting as a whole is underutilized. Dodge, poison (as a one of on clothes) and +5 damage are the correct choice in 99% of situations. For utility enchants to be added and used, they'd either need to be ridiculously overtuned or damage needs to be nerfed. There's other issues I have with the system but really that's the main one. On to your suggestions though.

Heavy is definitely undertuned, but I really like the idea behind it + other tree specific enchants. As it is though, it'd need to be something like +2 damage/-5% accuracy for it to not just be a strictly worse regular enchant. That's just a numbers problem though which isn't a major problem.

I really like Bottomless Magazine - the enchantment duration stuff would need tuning but I could see this being added.

Obscuring: Again, could definitely see this being added.

Healing: I hate it because it makes HP totals messy when cutting/being healed. On a more serious note: all depends on the duration and if it could stack with itself, but non-combat enchants are something that haven't really been explored and probably should be.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 9:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for your feedback everyone. You gave me some more ideas, which I always like. Again, this thread is really more about brainstorming and I like coming up with new ideas so you're really helping me out. Feel free to come up with your own ideas or freely add to or edit mine (as some have already done).

Some new ideas:
Long duration/Permanent spells:
Add new spells to the game that are longer duration spells. They would be less "fiddly" and are meant to be permanent or "always on". Their MP cost would reduce the spellcaster's current and max MP. If the spellcaster wants their max MP back, they need to turn off the spell.

Even more new enchants.
I'll get back to you guys when I have more more Very Happy

oath2order wrote:
Summon Workbench would obliterate the need for the ones the faction can provide.

I like the rest of them. Even if they're not commonly used, I like the idea of just having more spells in the game as flavor.

Yeah, that's why I toyed with the idea of making it usable by everyone in the area or just the spellcaster. Thinking of leaning toward just the spellcaster. But I'd say it is balanced against the faction upgrades considering this spell costs CP to learn and MP to cast. Maybe an even more expensive version could allow anyone in the area to use it.

I also think it would be cool if more non-damage spells were in the game. When you look at the catalog, about half of them are damage spells and if you count the spells that are combat oriented, over half of them fall in that category. There are a good number of utility spells, and some of them are very good or useful. It would be cool if there were more.

Saint_Jimmy wrote:
Spells that require other spells to learn is an interesting idea, although it might make them too similar to actual skills.

I actually thought that might be interesting just as an idea on its own. Could be worth looking into. Currently "investing more" into a certain kind of spell really just means buying more spells of a certain damage type to get the affinity damage boost. Going to a system of child spells would basically do the same thing (spend more CP to get more stuff like a higher damage spell). It might work for a new system in one of the next patches or next breath, or for new spells (like these suggestions).


Open Pocket Space/Backpack: 24 hours of +20 equipment load for 10 cp/10 MP is probably a bit on the strong side. Open Pocket Space (albeit with slightly different numbers) is going to be a thing though so Very Happy

Fair enough. I figure 10CP for 20 equip load is basically the same as strength, but in spell form it needs to be recast over and over and the player could forget which would be annoying.

To go on a tangent, perhaps spells that last for multiple days or even longer (1 week per cast) could be explored. Those would be like permanent powerups. Once you learn the spell, you can expect to have it "always on". In fact, that would be similar to how a lot of skills work. You pay the CP and you get the benefits of the skill permanently. So perhaps this idea would need to used carefully. The waterbreathing spell is basically the swim skill in spell format, and it doesn't last for days or a week.

I think there was one game that allowed you to have a spell cast permanently, but your max MP was reduced by the spell's cost for as long as the had the spell active. If you wanted your max MP back, you had to turn off the spell. It's one way of doing things, and would very directly mark such spells as "permanent" spells, not just spells that have a really really long duration and are "functionally permanent".


MO skills: Interesting ideas although personally I'm not fond of more pseudo-HTT skills (hit gooder-than-you characters - an intentional weakness in htt - for half the MO cost and then regain your MO quicker with Momentum). The use case for Nexus Champions makes me think better of them though.

Yeah, more stuff for MO seems like basically something for angels, redeemed, and NCs. As far as I can tell. It might be imbalanced for those classes. Though, there could be a spell that only works for 1 action (perhaps completely halting any MO shift). That might still be good enough to get, but not so good that it's making MO management too easy. The spells that increases MO shifts really just makes fixing your MO easier (I'm not sure of any class that wants to get away from their desired MO even more than usual, whether it's a neutral MO NC or an angel).


I don't know how I feel about Triage/Vital Sense, although I'd generally buy them if levelling via healing for the +5 HP and 25% chance of not using up healing items.

I guess my personal issue with them (and the repair tree for that matter) is I dislike toggle buffs that you trigger every time no matter what? It just always feels a bit fiddly to me and I don't think this would be an exception. I'm aware that other people may feel differently though so eh.

Yeah, I was working off the idea of having durations measured in 5-10 status ticks or about an hour, and balancing the spells that way. But they could be made less fiddly. I'm not sure how you could make a spell that buffs repairs or healing not a toggle that you cast every time, unless it was made permanent or had a much longer duration. And that gets into the ideas above, which very well could be a way forward.


Another issue I have with the workbench/repair spells is that they effectively replace the conduit crafting skills and make their niche available to over half the classes in the game.

Yeah, the spells took inspiration from conduit class features. I think the conduit class features are still useful, in that they don't cost any MP or AP to activate and are active permanently. They cost more CP (lot more than these suggested spells), so there is that to consider. The spells would also stack with conduit skills, which would make them super crafters and still better than other classes. That would mean their niche would still be protected in a way, assuming people care about preserving that particular niche.


As for enchanting:

Enchanting as a whole is underutilized. Dodge, poison (as a one of on clothes) and +5 damage are the correct choice in 99% of situations.

That's exactly why I made this suggestion. I feel like more "utility" options should be made for enchantments, rather than just making your offensive or defensive numbers bigger (+damage or +dodge). I feel like utility enchantments would be more interesting than just +damage.


Heavy is definitely undertuned, but I really like the idea behind it + other tree specific enchants. As it is though, it'd need to be something like +2 damage/-5% accuracy for it to not just be a strictly worse regular enchant. That's just a numbers problem though which isn't a major problem.

Yeah, the numbers might be weak. I wanted to make sure it's not overpowered. Basically the idea was making mundane damage enchants possible, but not just the same as the existing damage type enchants, because I'm sure people have thought of that before and I'm guessing the people in charge don't want to be bombarded by repetitive suggestions Laughing. The numbers can be tuned up or down according to taste.


Healing: I hate it because it makes HP totals messy when cutting/being healed. On a more serious note: all depends on the duration and if it could stack with itself, but non-combat enchants are something that haven't really been explored and probably should be.

Right, I think expanding the enchantment system to allow for more utility/non-combat enchants would be great. The enchant skill as it is right now is very powerful and very expansive. It's honestly a great system. Adding more on top of that would be cool because eventually it does just boil down to "+damage for weapons", "+soak and +dodge for clothes/armor", which are just combat buffs.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 10:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Saxony wrote:
Long duration/Permanent spells:
Add new spells to the game that are longer duration spells. They would be less "fiddly" and are meant to be permanent or "always on". Their MP cost would reduce the spellcaster's current and max MP. If the spellcaster wants their max MP back, they need to turn off the spell.

This sounds similar to current auto-rejuvenation mechanics for pets, and it could probably be implemented the same way, as a global setting (= character either auto-refreshes all buffs or does not).

Which means it would not reduce maximum MP but just subtract buff cost from current MP pool when refresh tick happens, and automatically cancel the buff if character does not have enough MP.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 2:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Promoted specifically for Bottomless Magazines because it's an awesome idea.
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