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Radio Free Nexus

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Joined: Jul 17, 2020
Posts: 10

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2020 12:38 pm    Post subject: Radio Free Nexus Reply with quote

Welcome back to Radio Free Nexus - this is your host M1, aka the Committee, aka Lil Red L here with the news:

The Interplanar Brigades have been in the Nexus for a while now, smashing the forces of demono-fascism and rallying Nexal workers to the red banner of liberation, but so far, we've been keeping word of our revolutionary exploits to ourselves. No longer - each revolutionary educational effort the Brigadiers engage in will now be shared with all!

First up - our latest revolutionary action against the #1 Nexus Bad Guys and a tribute to the brave antifascists who blazed the trail in which we follow:

- You use your bullhorn to say: 'Knock-knock! It's the #1 Nexus Good Guys are paying #1 Nexus Bad Guys a visit!'. (2020-12-15 22:05:24).
- You land on the ground to go inside. (2020-12-15 22:06:44).
- You step inside The Smelly Cat. (2020-12-15 22:06:44).
- You use your bullhorn to say: 'Settle down for the teach-in!'. (2020-12-15 22:06:52).
- You say, "The 1930s were a turbulent time for Spain - the Popular Front government of the Republic was continuing long-standing reforms to feudal landownership, clerical dominance of the government and the bloated and fascistic colonial junior officer corps" (2020-12-15 22:06:56).
- You say, "These three groups would unite in fascist reaction to overthrow the 2nd Spanish Republic, attempting a coup on July 17th, 1936" (2020-12-15 22:07:00).
- You say, "Immediately, the great powers of the western world declared "non-intervention" - freezing Spanish Republican assets and outlawing any support for the democratically-elected government while turning a blind eye to Nazi German and Fascist Italian military interventions to support the Spanish fascists" (2020-12-15 22:07:04).
- You say, "Meanwhile, major US companies such as Texaco, Ford and General Motors supported the Spanish fascists - not only with financial and materiel aid, but also using their international assets to gather military intelligence, sinking and capturing many Spanish Republican merchant vessels, resulting in hundreds of deaths" (2020-12-15 22:07:09).
- You say, "The Popular Front did not stand idly by, though, and neither did the workers of the world - tens of thousands of antifascists traveled to Spain to fight as part of the International Brigades" (2020-12-15 22:07:15).
- You say, "Many of these brigadiers had faced the threat of rightist political violence before - political exiles from Germany and Italy, Jewish refugees and black Americans" (2020-12-15 22:07:20).
- You say, "It is the valor of these heroes of anti-fascism that inspire the Interplanar Brigades today - Workers of the Nexus, Unite!" (2020-12-15 22:07:25).

- You write I used up all my creative juices writing up today's curriculum, so you're going to have to make do with shoddy graffiti in orange marker. (2020-12-15 22:15:10).
- You step outside of The Smelly Cat. (2020-12-15 22:16:08).
- You write Fill the kibble goblet with SOLIDARITY in purple marker. (2020-12-15 22:16:24).
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2020 1:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

-the most adorable puppy
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Joined: Jul 17, 2020
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 19, 2020 11:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Some so-called revolutionaries claim that units of measurement are bourgeois and counter-revolutionary. Comrade Metric System proves these deviationists wrong!

- The Metric System said, "Ah, look at all these poor downtrodden Demons in need of liberation! Let me help! Power to the pariahletariat!" (2020-12-17 15:03:15).
- The Metric System said, "Have you seen the violence inherent in the system? Not the Metric System - I'm just a good, no-nonsense set of units and measurements for the common folk. " (2020-12-17 15:03:24).
- The Metric System said, "Let me tell you a bit about the Imperial system, while we're at it. You lot seem bright, but perhaps the Imperial dogma has closed your eyes to the truth." (2020-12-17 15:03:39).
- The Metric System said, "You see, Imperial measurements derive from fascist decrees made by corrupt, grotesquely opulent monarchs of yesteryear. Whose foot do you think that really was? " (2020-12-17 15:03:48).
- The Metric System said, "Henry the First. And it was his arm. They've been gaslighting you about weights and measures for centuries." (2020-12-17 15:03:56).
- The Metric System said, "The Metric System is a product of science and reason. It has draws its power from natural physical constants that even your average hobo can observe. " (2020-12-17 15:04:04).
- The Metric System said, "The Metric System is a product of science and reason. It has draws its power from natural physical constants that even your average hobo can observe. Like Avagadro's number, which anybody can verify simply by counting all 6.02214076E+23 atoms in a carefully measured mole of ANY SUBSTANCE!" (2020-12-17 15:04:12).
- The Metric System said, "It just makes sense. Anyhow, time to die. " (2020-12-17 15:04:20).
- The Metric System attacked the fortifications with your radiation, which it emits in Becquerels but you absorb in Grays. Or it could have just been, a(n) Sword. With a satisfying crunch, the last of the fortifications crumble beneath the force of your blow, leaving the inhabitants of the stronghold no further defense from them. (2020-12-17 15:04:41).
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Joined: Jan 22, 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 6:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

In honour of their UNYIELDING COMMITMENT to the fight against DEMONO-FASCISM


In recognition of their lengthy contributions to the LEGACY of INVISIBLE DANGER and THE INTERPLANAR BRIGADES



and is conferred top rank in the faction.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 7:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Congratulations to our most valuable and heroic comrade!!
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 11:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lil Red L can't come to the phone right now, they're still booming revolutionary song and extolling heroic victories over demono-fascism...

However, it was apparently very important that I share this with all of you:

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Joined: Jan 22, 2010
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Location: London, United Kingdom

PostPosted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 3:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote



With the final and ultimate capture of the Clowderite Base, "The Smelly Cat", we, the Central Committee of the Interplanar Brigades, hereby unilaterally declare victory in the Great Patriotic War of Breath Four, achieving victory for the downtrodden and oppressed on all planes of existence, and defeating the forces of demono-fascism.

This war was not without its trials and tribulations, on all sides. The fighting has been fierce and relentless. The toll exacted upon all parties has been great.

Yet with this victory at the Last Battle of The Smelly Cat, the brave workers and valiant volunteers of the Nexus have brought peace, freedom, and prosperity.

Accordingly, the Interplanar Brigades will bestow upon their one-time-foe various potions, components, and gifts - they they might be rebuilt and join in the fruits of labour and equality.
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Joined: Aug 28, 2020
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 7:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

With the Interplanar Brigades-Feral Clowder peace officially in place, there are always some heartfelt moments between all of the peoples of the Nexus; especially when one side is vacating the other side's captured stronghold!

- A Cow jumping over the moon said, "moooo"
- A Cow jumping over the moon starts slowly licking people
- A Cow jumping over the moon licks WildcardRob
- A Cow jumping over the moon licks Ragnvaldr
- A Cow jumping over the moon licks Pallas
- A Cow jumping over the moon is confused as to what is going on
- A Cow jumping over the moon licks several tiny voles
- A Cow jumping over the moon nuzzles all the voles, and makes quiet mooing sounds
- several tiny voles lick the cow back, right on its tongue, and one even climbs into its mouth to have a nap.
- A Cow jumping over the moon moos even softer so as not to disturb the vole in its mouth
- several tiny voles gently try to wake up the napping vole in the cow's mouth, but give up after a few minutes and leave it where it is. Slowly they begin to scurry into the walls. When you look around they're...just gone.
- You follow your faction homing beacon and take a step in a direction that you did not know existed. Suddenly, you find yourself in your faction stronghold.
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Joined: Jan 22, 2010
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Location: London, United Kingdom

PostPosted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 7:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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