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Nexus Clash :: View topic - The Quest for Catnip: A Magely Foible
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The Quest for Catnip: A Magely Foible

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Joined: Jul 05, 2014
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PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2021 1:18 pm    Post subject: The Quest for Catnip: A Magely Foible Reply with quote

- An True destroyed a ward protecting this location! (2021-05-06 20:00:30).

- Someone used a bullhorn to say: 'Ruff ruff ruff ruff ruff'. It was so loud, it must have come from outside. (2021-05-06 20:00:39).

- You step inside Global Federation Embassy. (2021-05-06 20:01:10).
- Imp, belonging to Not Their Masters Voice, was killed by a defensive aura projected by Cliché Elf Ranger! (2021-05-06 20:01:21).
- An True destroyed the last of the fortifications protecting this area! (2021-05-06 20:01:25).

- Cliché Elf Ranger said, "greetings, we heard this is a good place for supplies for our new familiar" (2021-05-06 20:01:27).
- Nirvanyos the Arcane said, "See? I knew there was a big den of cats somewhere in this neighborhood, they HAVE to have litter and stuff" (2021-05-06 20:01:35).
- An True taps her staff and nods (2021-05-06 20:01:38).
- Cliché Elf Ranger said, "do you have any of the """good stuff""" (2021-05-06 20:01:38).
- Cliché Elf Ranger said, "the catnip you know" (2021-05-06 20:01:47).
- An True said, "The kitten needs kibble, I'm sure. What else kiddos? What do cats need?" (2021-05-06 20:01:50).
- Fake Thomas Jefferson said, "We got a kitty! Mom says we can keep her if we feed her and stuff!" (2021-05-06 20:01:51).
- Cliché Elf Ranger said, "the mean green" (2021-05-06 20:01:55).
- An True said, "I ain't much o' one for cats, got too many kiddos to take care of already" (2021-05-06 20:02:10).
- Cliché Elf Ranger said, "I'm pretty sure Nirvy knows what im talking about" (2021-05-06 20:02:11).

- An True attacked Not Their Masters Voice with a Force Focus spell, cast from a spellwand, , killing her! With a sickening stench, the flesh falls off of her corpse as it rises as an infectious zombie! (2021-05-06 20:02:21).

- Nirvanyos the Arcane has already begun digging around closets and back rooms, making loud "HARRUMPH" noises with each fruitless venture. (2021-05-06 20:02:34).
- Cliché Elf Ranger said, "oh no! it looks like you dug out some zombies Nirvanyos!" (2021-05-06 20:02:56).

- (6 times) You attack Twilight Sparkle with your Gaiawrath. Tree limbs burst hungrily from the ground to thrash your enemy and hit for 20 points of impact damage. Her armor soaked 4 points of damage. You gain 20 XP. (2021-05-06 20:03:14).

- An True said, "Go on kiddo, get some kitties!" (2021-05-06 20:03:18).
- Fake Thomas Jefferson said, "Hmm... nine lives must be sacrificed to ensure the familiar's coat is full and fluffy. On it!" (2021-05-06 20:03:27).
- Nirvanyos the Arcane said, "Y'know, ever since I touched that old altar in the sewers, I can't seem t' take a step without a bunch of zombies croppin' up" (2021-05-06 20:03:47).
- Nirvanyos the Arcane said, "Wonder if 'ats related somehow..." (2021-05-06 20:04:04).
- An True said, "Well maybe ya should stop lurkin in sewers, ole mage..." (2021-05-06 20:04:09).

- Cliché Elf Ranger attacked A Cow jumping over the moon with a Rotten Crossbow , killing her! With a sickening stench, the flesh falls off of her corpse as it rises as an infectious zombie! (2021-05-06 20:04:14).
- A Cow jumping over the moon, an Infectious Zombie attacked a crossdressing cannibal, killing them! Their corpse rises as a shambling zombie! (2021-05-06 20:04:22).

- Cliché Elf Ranger said, "ZOMBIE COWS OH NO" (2021-05-06 20:04:23).
- An True said, "It ain't right, ya never know what kinda kitties get lost in sewers" (2021-05-06 20:04:29).
- Cliché Elf Ranger said, "oh no oh no" (2021-05-06 20:04:33).

- An True attacked Twilight Sparkle with a Force Focus spell, cast from a spellwand, , killing her! With a sickening stench, the flesh falls off of her corpse as it rises as an infectious zombie! (2021-05-06 20:04:38).

- Nirvanyos the Arcane said, "I'd stop lurkin' if people stopped hidin' potent magicks in unlikely places!" (2021-05-06 20:04:38).
- Cliché Elf Ranger said, "this is terrible, i think we might have started another outbreak" (2021-05-06 20:04:54).
- Nirvanyos the Arcane sighs. (2021-05-06 20:05:04).

- Fake Thomas Jefferson attacked SpankFish with a Fake Rifle, a Rifle , killing him! With a sickening stench, the flesh falls off of his corpse as it rises as an infectious zombie! (2021-05-06 20:05:04).

- Cliché Elf Ranger said, "why is it always like this with wizards and cats" (2021-05-06 20:05:06).

- Fake Thomas Jefferson attacked Zamasu with a Fake Rifle, a Rifle , killing him! With a sickening stench, the flesh falls off of his corpse as it rises as an infectious zombie! (2021-05-06 20:05:08).
- With a sickening tearing of flesh, a Spiked Tentacle bursts from the dead body of A Cuttlefish. (2021-05-06 20:05:12).
- Not Their Masters Voice, an Infectious Zombie attacked A Cuttlefish, killing them! Their corpse rises as a shambling zombie! (2021-05-06 20:05:12).
- A Cow jumping over the moon, an Infectious Zombie attacked Na, killing them! Their corpse rises as a shambling zombie! (2021-05-06 20:05:12).

- An True said, "Outbreak o' what? Those zombies are natural byproducts of th' lifecycle ain't they?" (2021-05-06 20:05:15).
- Nirvanyos the Arcane said, "I'll go get the enchanted flamethrowers and containment suits" (2021-05-06 20:05:15).

- An True attacked Criello with a Force Focus spell, cast from a spellwand, , killing him! With a sickening stench, the flesh falls off of his corpse as it rises as an infectious zombie! (2021-05-06 20:05:21).
- An True of The Mages' Council grasped the unprotected faction standard of the faction claiming this location. With a low rumble, the magic of the location dissipates. (2021-05-06 20:05:22).
- An True of The Mages' Council has taken the faction standard of Feral Clowder! Your faction gains 16 points of renown! (2021-05-06 20:05:22).

- Nirvanyos the Arcane said, "someone call a Code 43 on the MagePhone" (2021-05-06 20:05:23).

- Zamasu, an Infectious Zombie attacked Renna, killing them! Their corpse rises as a shambling zombie! (2021-05-06 20:05:32).

- Someone used a bullhorn to say: 'CODE 43'. It was so loud, it must have come from inside. (2021-05-06 20:05:36).

- Nirvanyos the Arcane said, "perfect!" (2021-05-06 20:05:44).

Last edited by Lychwood on Thu May 06, 2021 3:05 pm; edited 4 times in total
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PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2021 1:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

And so the zombies spread out to colonize Laurentia (again) and lived happily ever after...
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Joined: Apr 13, 2021
Posts: 15

PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2021 12:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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