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Nexus Clash :: View topic - Patch Notes - 2nd November
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Patch Notes - 2nd November

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So much universe and so little time
So much universe and so little time

Joined: Jan 19, 2010
Posts: 1149

PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2021 2:11 am    Post subject: Patch Notes - 2nd November Reply with quote

As the Breath works its way to a conclusion, greater factional abilities have been unlocked. Factions may now spend a large amount of Renown to summon a mighty Nexal entity (a boss battle Pet) who will patrol their territory.
* Each Alignment (Good, Evil, Unaligned) has a meaningfully different type of being that they may summon, with meaningfully different behaviors and abilities.
* These beings will roam the neighborhood in which they were summoned, and having one in a neighborhood will block the summoning of others to the same neighborhood.
* They will be summoned at the Stronghold of the faction that spends Renown to call them forth.
* They are considered members of the Faction that summoned them, though they will be hostile to all others.
* These beings are formidable foes, and there is considerable reward to be had in defeating them.

Mechanics Changes
* Pets hit with AoE attacks now have a 50% chance of retaliating, adding the attacker to its hostile list, and setting the attacker as its current target.
* Pet targeting mechanics in the pet tick have been optimized to (hopefully) ease slowdowns and stalling of the pet tick during large pet heavy raid situations.
* IB's Adrenal Healing now has a cap at (max HP * 3).
* Harvest now has a minimum cost of 2 AP for cases where different unseen search bonuses caused harvest to be a free action.

Minor Bugs
* Corrected an issue where in certain situations a pet master's pets may be set free to roam around on their own.
* Corrected an issue where some weapons dropped via target shooting would be removed from the game at the AP tick.
* Corrected an issue where factions with an apostrophe in the faction name was not showing some factional politics update messages.
* Corrected a bug where morality shifts for unaligned faction members in their stronghold would overshoot 0.00 if morality was near zero.
* Corrected an issue where a pet master's pets would keep current target (and continue attacking current target) when leaving a faction despite having the stance being changed to 'Defensive'.
* Corrected an issue where multiple word tier 3 classes did not have the correct class art appear on class change.
* Corrected an issue where anointing a character with a potion of healing could bypass Blood Curse.
* Releasing characters now actually leaves a record in character logs.
* Corrected an issue where sometimes using Zigsplosive would lead to no death message.
* Corrected a bug where in certain situations EM could be executed with no valid targets in the area.
* Fixed an issue where Wytchfire overrode stronger supplemental damage when multiple supplemental damage sources were in play.
* Fixed an issue where firearm magazine along with quivers of arrows where created with one round less than required if taking from a safe.
* Fixed an issue where Rifle rounds were removed with no magazine granted if creating a magazine from a single taken from a safe.
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Joined: Apr 13, 2021
Posts: 15

PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2021 6:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ahhh this is so cool! I hope the boss pets can be named!
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Joined: Jan 19, 2010
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Location: Charlotte's Bakery University

PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2021 8:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

a cat wrote:
Ahhh this is so cool! I hope the boss pets can be named!

It requires admin intervention, but yes, they can be renamed.

If you are the Leader who summoned a boss monster for your faction, reach out to me or Fellis with a Discord DM or forum PM with your character link and the name you want your faction pet to have.
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