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Common Ground

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 6:53 am    Post subject: Common Ground Reply with quote

TLDR; wrote:

-Feel free to join Foundation for support in leveling up your reset and brand new characters with no obligation to stay once you're ready to leave.

-We do not raid and ask that you refrain from raiding us.

-Our discord is optional - it has two public channels and no roles.

-Safe access is granted ASAP upon joining - those items are there to assist you on your journey.

Fellow Nexus inhabitants, it's time we discussed the most recent manifestation of free will. My research has uncovered that both angels and demons alike, who's respective Elder Powers might have them believe they serve in perpetual bondage, maintain this ability as well. With nothing more than sheer will, one is able to sever the tie that binds them to an Elder Power and begin life in the Nexus anew. What does this say about the connection between an individual and an "almighty" Elder Power? What does this say about even the most ardent Elder Power's ability to dominate followers? These questions represent only a fraction of implications due to this realization. There are further topics of study worth pursuing as a result, however, they are not the focus of today's discussion.

It is now a fact that any aligned being, angelic or demonic, maintains enough free will to reset and, with no repercussion from any Elder Power, forge life on an entirely new path. This has led me to further study demonhood and angelhood for other instances of free will;

1. Upon sufficient experience, one is able to transition from a mortal state to that of an angel or demon. Scholars of the past might suggest that this moment is the ultimate surrender of free will, however, upon choosing the next step in your path, you have yet to select a patron Elder Power, suggesting that an element of free will persists upon ascension or descension, not just within transcension. Therefore, the ultimate act of ascension or descension in and of itself is not an ultimate surrender. Further, as a well regarded fact, the morality of your actions serves as a way to bind you to your choice should you wish to continue reaping the various benefits of Elder Power patronage.

2. Redemption and falling from grace are additional examples of individuals once committed to an ideal exercising remaining free will which directly contradicts good and evil Elder Power doctrine. We are all quite familiar with our fallen angels and redeemed demon comrades, so I will not dwell on this subject.

3. Even the most hardened, most aligned of us yet possess this sliver of free will enabling us to erase the choices of the past and forge a new path. Concentrate and you too may reset. The freedom to do so doesn't have to be an affront to your patron Elder Power or your chosen alignment; there are those of you who might want to follow the same path but make different choices along the way.

Thus we come to the end of my seminar; an appeal for common ground. Foundation was once a highly regarded war machine, spreading a now debunked narrative; a crusade for freedom. I now see that we all maintain this Foundation of free will throughout all stages of our time in the Nexus, which must be why we are all individuals to begin with rather than a great amalgam of blank souls. With that discovery, Foundation's mission has been rewritten. Our loose collective exists as a resource to you all. For those of you who are new and simply wish to explore the Nexus, we are here for you. For those of you who feel broken, aimless, we are here for you. For those of you looking to break free of an Elder Power's grasp and forge an entirely new path, we are here for you. Finally, for those of you wishing to reset and take time making minor adjustments in your path, even if your end goal is the same, we are here for you.

Realization of the Reset has freed us from our bondage, allowing us to lay a new Foundation. A new era has dawned in the Nexus.

Last edited by Repth on Thu Sep 16, 2021 3:43 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2020 8:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A group of characters, scattered in various places of the Nexus, simultaneously raised their (sometimes metaphorical) heads.

"Yeah! Finally someone who do not want to raid, just to play around and have fun!" shouts the Bad Guy, although it is not clear to whom he actually is talking to.
"Too bad I am already sworn to The Deadly Sins..." he grumbles for a bit, but quickly brightens up "... How about I visit them for a sparring instead? It's been a while since I had a good muscle massage, if you know what I mean."

"Agreed." the Spellbook transmits, directly from its unplanned trip to the Void "While [WE] are bound to The Black Lantern, [WE] are definitely open to some [SPELLGEM] crafting as soon as [WE] retrain from our own [RESET]."

"I could actually use a change of scenery." the Good Guy muses "The Ragged Philanthropists are good people but they do raid sometimes, so this new Faction feels much more fitting for my pacifist soul."

"Looks like you are the family representative then" mumbles the original tourist, while digging through his footlocker "I still have to wrap up this Power Washers gig before I move on to other tasks, and I am too fresh from my own Reset to help in any meaningful way."

"Pfffft" the Good one smirks, "as if that stopped anyone. When there's a will, there's a way, or so the saying goes. I start feeling excited about this new adventure!"

"Good luck then, buddy" the Bat one screams in ultrasound, fighting furiously against a gush of wind "and remind them that the TEM Shop is not the only supplier in town, Kodiak Steel Company is also open for business!"

"Will do" the Good Guy agrees and starts packing for the trip.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 12:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Malton Fire Department is all-aboard for this rebranding of Foundation as an academy of sorts. Many times have we visited groups across the nexus, and many times have we found flagrant violations of the sacred Fire Code. I have also heard reports of those bathing in the purifying flames during Fire Rescue missions screaming things like "OH GOD I'M ON FIRE WHY? WHY DID YOU SET US ALL ON FIRE," and after many long deliberations with the Fire Marshal and the Fire Chief, I believe it is time we finally got some education for the nexal denizens. We will be dispatching a brigade of firefighters, all with full lighten enchanted clothing, to carry a single copy of the Fire Code so that your students may study it and learn its Glory.

If you encounter any trouble with your new mission of education and pacifism, do not hesitate to call your local Emergency Murde--Medical Services!

Fire Captain, Silver City MFD

-The most adorable puppy
FC, Nexus enemy #1
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 5:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

What were sayin' is, you're in our backyard, and so if anyone hits you, we'll crawl up their ass and fine them for every fire code violation they have at our next inspection timeslot.

- the Chief
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 4:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is a highly curious development. I have noticed structures in various states of decay, particularly their thresholds. However, it's somewhat reassuring that fire codes are being enforced. I'll have you know, I took the liberty of writing out our evacuation plan should a fire occur. Our safety zone is in the parking lot. Thankfully, the smoke alarm is battery powered. The local riff raff insists on cutting power to our building. Our sushi needs to be kept cold, after all.
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Joined: Apr 12, 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 4:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Please ensure a fire extinguisher is kept within reach on all floors cited for communal and private use. If not, Blackwolf can be dispatched with Fire Extinguishers, but the last outreach we sent him on had an 100% fatality rate.

He doesn't get to visit schools for the "why become a firefighter" talks anymore.
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