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Nexus Clash :: View topic - Sunset Shimmer finds her friend
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Sunset Shimmer finds her friend

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Joined: Mar 08, 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:18 am    Post subject: Sunset Shimmer finds her friend Reply with quote

On a routine fire inspection raid, Sunset Shimmer saw her friend from her past life in Equestria, but it was not a happy reunion...

As seen from Twilight Sparkle (more or less):

- Your stronghold is under attack! (2021-11-22 15:30:55).
- LLENN destroyed a ward protecting this location! (2021-11-22 15:31:11).
- Your stronghold ward has been destroyed! (2021-11-22 15:31:11).
- Sunset Shimmer bursts through the door. (2021-11-22 15:32:08).
- Sunset Shimmer said, "LISTEN UP, EVERYBODY, THIS IS A SURPRISE INSPECTION!" (2021-11-22 15:32:16).
- Sunset Shimmer strikes a fighting pose, fists beginning to glow an icy white, when something catches her attention. She pauses. (2021-11-22 15:32:33).
- Sunset Shimmer said, "What.... what is that I feel? It's... a... familiar aura?" (2021-11-22 15:32:40).
- Sunset Shimmer stands on her tiptoes, peering over the stacked fortifications. She is completely oblivious to the carnage wrought by the allies and dozens of pets as she gently climbs up the barricades to get a better look. She squints, looking toward the back of the room. (2021-11-22 15:32:47).
- Sunset Shimmer said, "Is that... no, it couldn't be. Twilight couldn't give off such an evil--" (2021-11-22 15:32:53).
- Sunset Shimmer stops, the words catching in her throat. She suddenly remembers why this aura of destruction is so familiar. (2021-11-22 15:33:01).
- Sunset Shimmer said, "That's not Twilight. That's MIDNIGHT Sparkle! But how? We vanquished you at the Friendship Games! We showed you how to control her, Twilight!" (2021-11-22 15:33:08).
- Sunset Shimmer lets out a heavyhearted sigh. (2021-11-22 15:33:20).
- Sunset Shimmer said, "I don't know how this happened, or what dark magic caused it, but I can't let you give in to the darkness. I may not have our friends to help me this time, but I won't let you take over this world!" (2021-11-22 15:33:30).
- Sunset Shimmer points at the behemoth. (2021-11-22 15:33:36).
- Sunset Shimmer said, "Midnight Sparkle, you leave my friend alone!" (2021-11-22 15:33:42).
- Sunset Shimmer rushes the beast, righteous anger welling up within her. (2021-11-22 15:33:49).
- Sunset Shimmer said, "Twilight! I know you're in there! Remember where your magic comes from!" (2021-11-22 15:34:01).
- Sunset Shimmer touched you with a softly glowing hand. You feel her virtue eat at your dark soul and this metaphysical battle takes a physical form as pale blue flames surround you. You will be unable to hide or become invisible until the illumination stops! Your burning aura sears them! They take 1 points of fire damage! They also hit for 32 points of holy damage. Their body strained with holy resolve as they added physical power to this attack! (2021-11-22 15:34:24).
- Sunset Shimmer said, "Honesty!" (2021-11-22 15:34:34).
- Sunset Shimmer attacked you with a Vampire Fangs and hit for 25 points of holy damage. Your burning aura sears them! They take 1 points of fire damage! Their body strained with holy resolve as they added physical power to this attack! (2021-11-22 15:34:40).
- Sunset Shimmer said, "Kindness!" (2021-11-22 15:34:48).
- Sunset Shimmer attacked you with a Vampire Fangs and hit for 25 points of holy damage. Your burning aura sears them! They take 1 points of fire damage! Their body strained with holy resolve as they added physical power to this attack! (2021-11-22 15:34:52).
- Sunset Shimmer said, "Laughter!" (2021-11-22 15:34:58).
- Sunset Shimmer attacked you with a Vampire Fangs and hit for 20 points of cold damage. Your burning aura sears them! They take 1 points of fire damage! (2021-11-22 15:35:01).
- Sunset Shimmer said, "Generosity!" (2021-11-22 15:35:07).
- Sunset Shimmer attacked you with a Frozen Gauntlet and hit for 23 points of cold damage. Your burning aura sears them! They take 1 points of fire damage! (2021-11-22 15:35:13).
- Sunset Shimmer said, "Loyalty!" (2021-11-22 15:35:21).
- Sunset Shimmer begins to glow as the magic within her shines through. Her radiance is blinding as she raises her fist over the evil before her. (2021-11-22 15:35:31).
- Sunset Shimmer suddenly burst forth in a blaze of penetrating pale blue light that illuminated every corner of the area. (2021-11-22 15:35:34).
- Sunset Shimmer said, "And you will never defeat the power of FRIENDSHIP!" (2021-11-22 15:35:59).
- Sunset Shimmer attacked you with a Frozen Gauntlet and hit for 57 points of holy damage. She was hiding! This attack was charged with righteous wrath! Your burning aura sears them! They take 1 points of fire damage! This was enough to kill you! Their body strained with holy resolve as they added physical power to this attack! (2021-11-22 15:36:13).
- Sunset Shimmer kneels, exhausted, over the body of her friend. She begins to sob softly." (2021-11-22 15:36:27).
- Sunset Shimmer said, "Your soul is free, Twilight. I hope to see you again in another life." (2021-11-22 15:36:34).
- Sunset Shimmer staggers out of the bar, head held low." (2021-11-22 15:36:44).

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